
Delorean model.

We start from a sport car manufactured by Delorean Motor Company between the years 1981 and 1982. This company only manufactured this car, reason why it is know as Delorean.

Well, the main character from the film, who was a genious Doctor called Emmet Brown, made an machine to travel throguh the time in the film before mentioned.

This machine works in a way that when the car acelerates an gets the 88 mph, it starts the time travel, and it is when the flux capacitor starts to produce electricity, which gets to the bumper and the wheels start to make flames because of the friction. Just after, the car disapears in a particles cloud and leaves after it a couple of flame lines on the ground, because of the quantic mechanic.

Now that we already talked about the star product from this film, we are going to explain you what is this model about:

This is the vehicle assembled and painted in 1:18 scale. It is perfectly ready to be exposed wherever you want, because, in adition to be very detailed with the car aesthetic, there is a very careful presentation in a plastic structure to have a perfect conservaton.

It counts with many details, in the interiors and exteriors from the car.

You also should know that the doors are fuctional. We did not mentioned it before, but one of the Delorean main characteristics are their wing doors. They open in a vertical way, what brings it more elegance and beauty.

You can find this beautiful model in our web: SUN STAR 2711